
Friday, February 18, 2011


So, I know I haven't blogged in a really long while. Well, many reasons for that. The main reason is, is that I've been so upset over some of the things that has gone on, I've really just not even felt like writing about it. That in and of itself, should express just how upsetting to me the events have been. My grandmothers passing, of which I've written about, but only hardly. The fact that I really really miss her, and I hate that she is gone. That the entire rest of our family is literally falling apart, now that she is gone. And it seems every ones true colors are starting to show, now that they aren't have to pretend to be someone they obviously aren't, because she was around. 

Like my uncle. Always knew he was a git. But man has he shown just how much of a git he has been since my grand mothers passing. Were talking day after, he was a "new man" to all that thought they knew him, and loved him. Greedy bastard. Telling my grandmother up until the day he died that he didn't, and wouldn't be taking any of the money she had set up for my mother to live off of until she could get on her own two feet after her passing. The day after my grandmother passed, he demanded half of it, saying he had right to it, as her second child, and only son. Fucker.

Like my mother, who can sit there and tell me she loves me, and yet I feel no emotion behind those words she speaks. Allowing her drug addict boyfriend to steal my dog, and then what does she do? She runs off with him! Fuck her, and fuck him, I hope they rot in hell. She came to visit, my mother did. Was so excited. Then she brought her druggie boyfriend with her, and immediately I knew that nothing was going to go well. Only good that came of is, was that finally, we managed to convince a Dr to treat me FOR MY LUNGS! By then I couldn't breathe, had used up all my asthma medicine, and I was near death. And all the Drs at the hospital, and even an actual dr that we paid 400 dollars to go see, said they couldn't/wouldn't help me because my heart rate was elevated.

NO FUCKING SHIT MY HEART RATE IS/WAS ELEVATED, I CANT BREATHE! But no one would listen. So finally, we went some where new, that no one knew me....and forgot to mention all my other run ins with Drs thus far. She listened to my lungs, said I had a slight fever, and prescribed me some heavy duty lung specific antibiotics to clear up what seemed to be a pretty bad lung infection, along with some prednisone and pseudophedrine. Voila. I was much better! I still have some issues I really doubt they will ever go away. Could be due to having had a severe lung infection for 10 months, or could be due to my asthma just having progressed, or could be due to my allergies, living in this damn mold infested house.

OR, could be any combination of the aforementioned possibilities. So, hate living here. Love Kash, love my pets. Nailah's believe it or not, gotten  much better than before. Not perfect, but better. We have a new rat..her name is Sakura. So now it's the four. Shemeit is still alive and kicking. Tieri (Nefritieri) is a bitch as usual. We don't take her out much. Like, ever. Only to clean her cage. Because she just loves to bite. Dhani almost died, but thankfull we lucked in to getting a new tank for him. Lucient, well...he's getting bigger. Pa went up to NY and brought the bitch/whore down there. Along with her baby. So now they are eating our food, and no one seems to think there is anything wrong with that.

T, the bitch neighbor, now never invites us to dinner any more. Only Pa and Whore/baby. It's like we don't even exist any more. WTF. I really hate people. And if it wasn't for Kash, and my family of pets, I would really hate life too. 

So, that is my most recent blog. Wonderful isn't it? But then again, isn't life wonderful? 

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