
Thursday, May 28, 2009


Craving social advances, I find myself unable to find a medium, with in myself, to look externally for nourishment. I find myself needing to blog, but unable to, for many a reasons. One of them being I, like I said, can't find a medium, and completely opening myself up through blogger, is not something I find I can do much anymore. Aside from every day normal things, and happenings.

Like Kash, I just can't find a place where I feel, free. Aside from with him, in the solitude of our home. Being me, though, I need more of a social life. Not social like I want to go out and party, but I need something. Others. I miss having at minimum, ten different people I could talk to at any given moment of the day. Now, I stay signed out of messengers, finding myself, not feeling as if I can open up to anyone, who are even on my messenger lists.

Kash and I even deleted our messenger programs, only signing on to them, occasionally through email, or meebo. We deleted our plurks, I rarely use twitter, except to reply to a few people, on the rare occasion I sign in on there. Like now, I've been staring at this thing for 10 minutes, but not able to get a damn thing out, that I want to say. Its like I'm stuck, but where, I'm not sure.

Kash, I love you. Very much. Muah. Anamchara. <3


Crazy Mice

Or maybe I'm just crazy for thinking it's crazy. Rasui fucked Shemeit good, a few times. Kash actually saw it this time. I thought it was funny, because I had only seen Mnoti humping her, but nope. This time it was Rasui. Lol. This is just proof that lesbianism and gayness is not limited to humans. More importantly, it proves that it is a natural part of life, all life.

Other than that, whta's crazy is, not soon after that, Shemeit decided to baracade herself inside the purple house thing. If either Mnoti or Rasui try to go inside, she flips out and attacks them, chanses them away then hides back away. Thinking she might be pregnant? Yeah.. despite we had ruled that out, as she had gotten skinny again.. we really have no idea now.

Mice don't generally nest, unless it's days before they give birth, and especially don't attack out of no where their cage mates, of which they normally snuggle up with, and sleep together huddled away in their hide away house. I had a dream about a baby mouse, that was Shemeit's black, and a lightish colored center, though the mouse was completely shiny.

I just didn't know who's micey baby it was. But it was cute. --Still a no show on Anne's supposed package. NO surprise there. And, another surprise not found, she still has not signed on to messenger. Cowardice. If it's one thing I hate, it's that. Yep. Have more to say, but eh, I'm not saying anything more.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Perfect Timing

Opposite the immediate reaction one might have upon reading the title of this blog, is the feeling in which I am writing this blog. Anne has said she was going to send a 'package' in the mail, and that it 'should' be here by Yesterday, though she told Kash this last week. Very convenient, and opportune, perfect timing, come Monday night, Ann just signs off of mobile, and has NOT been back on.

Usually when she gets off like that she sends out a mass, saying she would be back when she could put minutes on her phone. I know for a fact that this is not the case. She had just refilled her minutes, and had no reason to just up and get off like that. Knowing her though, the way I do, she'll be back online with in the week, and she'll have some bogus excuse for her absence. But really, she didn't send the package (at all, or at the time she said she did).

Now, I don't ask her anymore for things, she just offers to send it, but seriously. Why does she have to fucking lie about this shit? It would be easier, and better if she just kept her fucking mouth shut, and quit offering to send me stuff. I'm not sure how much more I can take, and how much longer I'm going to be able to keep this rouse up. I love her, but no. I'm tired of the shit, and that's all this is.


Monday, May 25, 2009

Cup of Borovan anyone?

I wonder how many will actually understand that, lol. Oh well. So, I was supposed to blog, not long after the last one, however, I just didn't. Ever feel like you're being watched? Only in this exact sense, it's more my thoughts, or more specific, my blog, is being read. Not either, just by normal readers, my followers, and the random come across either. Sometimes I feel as though a specific person, or persons are using my blog as a means to spy on me, and my every day life.

Call me paranoid, I don't really care. Some might understand, as they know what little is going on about it, by word of mouth, from mine, or Kash's. Pardon me for being cryptic, but yeah. That's all I can be right now. Aside from this shit, things are okay. I'm doing well, Kash is doing well. The mice, are fine. Things are well, if only things on the job front were looking so good.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Meet George

George, thinks he's the king.

Biggest, and Baddest.

Nothing can stop him.



Bye George.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Home Alone

So, Pa's gone for a few days, and man does it feel weird to be in this house, knowing he's not coming home any time soon. I've lived alone many times before, but every time I live with other people (aside from S/O's) I always feel weird when I know they aren't coming home for a few days. It's not bad, it's not good, it just is.

Mammoth died. He grew his front legs, lost his tail, but then just died. He hadn't completely lost his tail though, before we started noticing he was acting a bit off. Couldn't swim, and he was bleeding internally at one point, and he couldn't move half his body at another. We think he had a stroke, and was then paralyzed.

Of course, we were all sad for this loss, as we worked so hard keeping him alive. He was the reason we kept on doing what we were with the tadpoles. Out of 75 tadpoles, he was the only one like that. Now, we have 10 more tadpoles, that aren't what he was, which was in fact a southern leopard frog, but they are similar.

Pickerel frogs. None have their front legs yet, but most have their back full grown. Kash wants to try and keep one, but I'm not so sure. We have them for now, but I don't think we are keeping them. I'm worried they too will stroke, and die, and that's not something I want to put them, nor us through again.

We literally watched one of the slugs lay eggs, that was kind of disgusting. Got rid of the two slugs, but we still have the snails. Despite at one point, we were going to get rid of them. As Kash was getting ready to do so, I told him no. That I wanted to keep them. We had them outside for a night, and apparently raccoons like them?

I don't know, what I do know is that something literally came by and took the screen off, and all but the little snails escaped. We were able to find three of the big ones immediately, or rather, Kash and Pa found them, around the front deck where the cage box was at. Nathanial, was no where to be found.

I said, of course, the one that I named, would be the one to be missing. However, today, a full 36 hours later, I was outside and I saw him, yes it is him because they all have unique markings, and in this case, chippings in his shell, not to mention, a hole in his slimy skin.

I was like, look who I found. He was on the deck as well, but on the outside and far down it. I think Kash said Pascha was clear down the other side of the house by our bedroom window. That, I thought was awesome. Anyhoo, we still have them, and as long as they are kept outside, I'm cool with keeping them. We did, keep the eggs though, despite getting rid of the slugs.

Lol, so we're expecting to see some baby slugs soon. Only to get rid of them however, because...ew. I don't like the slugs. Their damn slime takes forever to get off, and I scrubbed my hands good with dish soap, hand soap, all kinds of soaps, but the stupid shit did NOT want to come off. Nasty. *Shudders*

Been playing a lot on free online rpg sites. Not RP guys, but RPG. Though, I am trying to get back into RP, but only on Daydream, and with Kash, as I'm just a little iffy right now with RP in general. Yes, I did find myself through RP, however, I also got lost, and it took a long time to find myself again.

Don't want to have that happen. Not something I want to repeat. I have the links to the left guys, if you want to check them out. Also, click on my dragon eggs! Lol, I want to have them hatch. I have yet to have any hatch, they always die, because no one clicks on them. I want a dragon! Lol. :P I'm saving up for a draik, on neo, but that'll take forever.

Newaz, I hope all reading this is having a good day.



Friday, May 8, 2009


So, I've been feeling like blogging lately, but I've not been wanting to, because I haven't taken any pics of what I want to put up... but right now, I'm like 'fuck it.' I'll just link to Kash's pics from his blog or something. I mean, why should I only put pics that I took? It's not like I'm saying 'hey, this is mine.' when its obviously Kash's. If I don't take the pic, I will give proper credit. Deal? Deal.

Moving on, I have a head ache right now, but I imagine thats from being tired. Despite I am the one that woke our asses up. I honestly don't even know why I wanted to get up right then, I just know something was telling me to wake up. So, that's what I did. Sat up in bed, and proceeded to wake Kash. He finally sat up and we were sharing our dreams, as we usually do in the mornings when he noticed Mnoti literally squeeze her fat ass out the side of the mice cage!

He jumped up immediately and grabbed her. We were both shocked she had managed to get out. I guess it was only a matter of time til they learned that they could, and once learned, they'd be doing it again, trying to break free, only to be killed by the rat poison lying around the floor of the house in various rooms. So, we had to take our newest mouse edition, a Mr. Cinead Brudair Fionntan out of his cage (the critter trail two) and put them back in.

This was their original home, so they weren't to like 'err, wtf?' with it. Despite obviously we had rearranged a lot for him, but they had been in it a couple days ago after we did so for him. We let them all play together, just have to watch them, and make sure the girls aren't in heat. Since, it's apparently fairly easy to tell, once you know what to look for. We put him in one of the travel critter trail cages, since he's just one, and the thing is big enough to house one hamster/mouse easily and comfortably.

So yeah, he's one of the things I wanted to blog about. He's a cute little mousey, but like the girls, skittish. Half the time though, not as skittish. However, he bites if provoked. And to him, provoking is something as simple as not letting him out of your hand when he wants to run around. His fur is a shiny pearl color. Not neccessarily the white pearl, but that greyish/bronzish pearl, off white color. It's gorgeous.

When we're able, we want to breed him with Shemeit. Originally we wanted to breed Mnoti, but now we've decided against that, since he has the shiny coat, as does Shemeit, and we want to continue to have the shiny coats. Mnoti has just a regular coat, that is white with cinnamon marbled onto it. As you've all seen. Also, as Kash has blogged before, we think that Mnoti either is a male (whos balls did not descend) or she's a lesbian.

She has been humping the other girls, and she absolutely HATES Cinaed. He gets close to the other girls and she is there, and she gets super pissed and starts squeaking real loud at him as if saying 'these my bitches, bitch. Back off.' So yeah, we're slightly amused there. I will probably be taking pictures though, because I want to put them all four in the doll house, lol. I don't know why, but I think that's hilarious. OOooh, maybe I can make that net go around it and like.. they can live in the doll house now.

Ahahaha, err, yeah. Kay. :P /amusement. Moving on, yet same(ish) topic: Mammoth has all four legs, again as per Kash's statement and pictures in his blog. Shameless PLUG. Along with a few of the other big tadpoles getting their back legs. I'll try and get some pics of them as well today and tomorrow. Pa brought in another big ass snail thing for Kash. He was really excited (Kash) because he thinks the things are cute.

Do I? Not particular. I'm pretty indifferent really when it comes to them. I'm just like 'eh'. However, since there were now then four snails, well three and one slug, Kash was like 'we really need to make them a habitat.' Blah. Lol. So, we went out side after he arranged all the river rock to cover the bottom appropriately and cut up some moss off the ground from by the side of the house.

Placed it over the river rock in their little box (that was originally from a refridgerator.. that has since expired..) to give the snails a place to crawl. Added a couple earth worms since the things apparently were living in the moss.. Made it all nice for them, added a couple weeds lmao, maybe they'll continue to grow? Since we got everythings roots.. who knows. We mist the tank daily, as per the directions on how to house a snail Kash found while googling how to's on the subject.

Then we took some plastic screen Pa gave us to use to cover the frog tank when ever we get around to doing so and cut it some and then taped it around their little habitat. Maybe I can get a pic of that? Who knows. I'll go try though before I send this, just in case I can. I saw a baby skink and was like 'mine' but I didn't catch it. >.< :( However, I saw a NOTHER snail on the side of the house, and brought it to Kash to see if he wanted it. Of course he did. So now we have like err... 4 snails and 1 slug. 3 Snails are big though, and one is small, and the slug is just a slug. :P He didn't know what to name it, so I named it Nathanial. Again, LMAO. Anyway. Now its Ksenia, Pascha, Mikhail and Nathanial. Oh and Nikolai the slug. Who, names, a slug? Err, and snails? Seriously? :P Anyway. I love Kash, so in a way, I think its cute. Well, he's cute, again, not the snails/slugs. On to him now.. I find myself loving him more and every day. I love every moment we spend together. He is just too cute/amazing for words. I find myself just admiring him at times, and he's like 'what?' and I just smile and shake my head, telling him I love him. We have our tiffs, but it's usually just stupid shit and we're over it with in minutes. So things are good there. Life: Is good. -Khai *Taken by Kash, linked to from his blog*
Mammoth: All 4 legs.

*Taken by Kash, linked to from his blog*

Cinaed Brudair Fionntan; Handsome bugger.

P.S. Tried to get pics of the snails thing, but it just wont work with the current lighting. It'll have to wait until it's actually sunny out and we can go outside to get the pics. It's over cast right now and will be all day. Boo.

Word Cloud

Kash (12) Love (11) Life (9) Mice (9) Lestat (7) Mnoti (7) Rasui (7) Shemeit (7) Goldfish (6) Khai (6) Ann (5) Betta Fish (5) Frogs (5) Death (4) Dhani (4) Emile (4) Froglets (4) Grey Tree Frog (4) Nailah (4) Neopets (4) Rhett (4) Tadpoles (4) Blog (3) Boredom (3) Cat (3) Grandmother (3) Guppies (3) Jobs (3) Laugh (3) Minnows (3) Mouse (3) My Life (3) Nikhil (3) Toadlets (3) Toads (3) Wizard101 (3) Aiden (2) American Toad (2) Anniversary (2) Annoyed (2) Asenath (2) Broke (2) Bullfrog (2) Change (2) Cinaed (2) Dreams (2) Fun (2) Goodbye (2) Headache (2) Mammoth (2) Nimmo (2) Pain (2) Passed Away (2) Petsmart (2) Plurk (2) Puppy (2) Sick (2) Snails (2) Sorrow (2) Starlite (2) Talk (2) The Wife (2) Tooth (2) Tornado (2) first (2) one year (2) Acceptance (1) Allergies (1) Anamchara (1) Annoying (1) Aquarium (1) Aquarius Star (1) Ass (1) Attitude (1) Avrik (1) Babies (1) Baby (1) Bad Day (1) Bee (1) Best friend (1) Bills (1) Book (1) Brat (1) Car Accident (1) Carrot (1) Chihuahua (1) Chilly (1) Christmas (1) Computer (1) Crazy (1) Cry (1) Cursed (1) Diet (1) Dollhouse (1) Done (1) Drag (1) Drama (1) European (1) Facebook (1) Family (1) Fun Times *insert sarcasm* (1) Games (1) George (1) Gone (1) Grief (1) Harry Potter (1) Hello (1) Hiding (1) Home Alone (1) Hornet (1) Hospital (1) Isis (1) Jevin (1) Kris (1) Laptop (1) Liar (1) Lies (1) Light (1) Live (1) Loss (1) Lost (1) Lucid (1) MMORPG (1) Makeup (1) Medium (1) Messengers (1) Money (1) Mother in law (1) Moving (1) Murphey's Law (1) Nadalia (1) Need (1) Nephew (1) Never Look Back (1) New Arrival (1) Our Family (1) Paralyzed (1) Paranoia (1) Peace (1) Penpal (1) Perfect Timing (1) Petco (1) Pets (1) Pidgen (1) Pinkies (1) Playing House (1) Private (1) Psycho (1) RPG (1) Raid (1) Realization (1) Reason (1) Run Away (1) Russian Dwarf Hamster (1) Significant Other (1) Slugs (1) Small Town (1) Snow (1) Social (1) Soulmate (1) Starlite Night (1) Story (1) Stubborn (1) Stupid (1) Superiority Complex (1) Tears (1) Thoughts (1) Time (1) Twitter (1) Unfair (1) Uninvited (1) Viktorae (1) Vivid (1) Waiting (1) Wasp (1) Weird (1) Wonderful (1) World (1) Worry (1) Write (1) birthday (1) happy (1) rain (1)