
Monday, March 30, 2009

Couple of things..

to say, and you know what? I don't give a fuck if you don't like them. For starters, this is me. I am who I am, and fuck you if you don't like it. I'm tired of bending through hoops to make sure you're ass is comfortable, while sticking my own in a pile of thorns.

Oh, and yes, this is me talking, not Lestat. Whoa whoa whoa, wait what? Khai, being.. an ass? Yes bitch, because I'm not happy with a lot of things going on. I'm tired of the constant judging. Who the FUCK are you, to judge me?

Fuck you, and you're momma too.

Is Khai having a bad day? you might ask yourself. Well my answer to that is, what the fuck is it to you? You don't know me. You don't know who I am, or what I go through on a daily basis. And no, I'm not talking about external things either.

I'm talking about just being me. The trials and tribulations of being one Kaiden James Finn. I don't expect you to understand, and even more so, I really could care less if you did. Hell, even if you tried to understand, I still wouldn't give you a second thought.

Who is you?

Well you are you, dumb ass.

I personally, like me, hell, I love me. Even with all my crazy thoughts and feelings, notions and motions. I AM HAPPY being me. Who and what I am. Yes, things are slow and could be going a lot faster than I'd like, but that's getting to the physical, of which bitch, I really care nothing for, but just a slight bit in certain moods.

Other wise, it can all just jump ship. I'm a spiritual being, and that is where I reside. I am lost in this fucking daydream and dreaming my life away. Got a problem with it? Take it some where else, because I don't fucking care.

My life, is not lived for you, but for me.

Want a life to bitch about, take a look at your own.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Every night..

before I fall asleep, a million thoughts run through my head.

I should probably stop just letting them run loose, because by the time I get up for the day, they have since ran so much, I can no longer focus on the actual thoughts/feelings they were posing.

Despite obviously, they are still there in my subconscious, I need to get them out. I need to talk/blog about them. Else, they are just going to continue to confuse me, and depress me.

And we all don't want that right?


So much I want and need to do, will I ever be able to?

That is one of the major thoughts that keep plaguing me, upsetting me. I talked to Kash a little about it last night, despite I didn't speak on all that was on my mind.

Not because I didn't want to, but mostly because I just couldn't figure out a way to get the words out. I rarely can find the right words anyway.

Constantly worried..



Friday, March 27, 2009

Hurry the fuck up already, aight?

Right, so I wont be explaining my title, but I'm sure there are a couple of you that might get what it means. Life, is slow. Now, this is good, and yet, this is bad. Stuck. Kash is going thru some depression? issues. I'm not sure the word, but it's starting to effect my mind set as well now. Not that I am like, omg, bitch, you better quit, no. Just pointing out that it is starting to take its toll. On the both of us.

Not necessarily a good thing. I'm becoming more open with who and what I am, and for those that understand, things need not be said to elaborate. For those that don't, don't worry. In time, maybe you'll come to know. At this point though, you'll probably know sooner, rather than later. Because let's face it, I'm not going to go hiding shit like a scared little bitch, worried about upsetting father. Fuck that shit.

I'm tired of hiding. It's really pointless, tbh.

So, expect more, yet less of me from now on. Depending on which side you fall from.


Monday, March 23, 2009


More like stories lately, with in my mind. I woke at least 10 times, in 5 hours, and every time I fell back asleep, the dream only continued. This, is how my stories usually originate. However, I'm not even sure if I should bother anymore with writing them out. But I know they have such significance. I was a 15 year old boy in this dream, had 4 older brothers, one older sister, and many younger brothers, bust mostly younger sisters. I was gay, however, I was not aware of it, nor concerned, as I was mostly into school, and family.

We had two mothers, and two fathers. I knew which mother was mine, but both were respected the same, however, none of us knew which father actually 'fathered' us, but that was the point. We were all raised as brothers and sisters, even if biologically we might not have been. Big family, roughly 20 of us, all ranged from infancy to 21. It was set in the future, yet we were very old fashioned. Again, that was the point. At one point in the dream, I was seeing things in the eyes of my older sister, as she had left on her own, to go do some research on something.

She was a musician, and she, or rather, we composed a song, and even played it. I really wish I could get the music I often hear in my dreams, out. Such beautiful music I have never heard before, plays with in my subconscious. Sometimes it has lyrics, sometimes it does not. This time, there was actual lyrics. It was a love song she wrote, for her boyfriend, of whom she had lost, due to the 'move' the family had made. Very sad, actually. Very, melancholy. This dream really makes me think.

A lot. About the future, because this felt like more than just a dream... I don't really know how to explain that, and I wont be. Anyways, slept for about 15 hours or so today.. had a bad headache, and my muscles were aching, so I opted to just stay in bed. my everything. God I love him. He makes me smile, over little things, things he's not even aware of usually. But I believe that is the point, eh? If he didn't, there'd be no hope.

That is all for this blog, hope all you readers, who ever you are, are doing well. Much love.


Friday, March 20, 2009


so I've been sleeping...really weird. Not physically either, I mean.. when I sleep, it's just weird. The dreams I have. Whether I remember them or not, are just way different than what I am used to. Got me thinking though, this last one. I'm looking forward to the future (and no I'm not referring to my future with Kash, etc, though obviously, I am looking forward to that separately).

Basically, I think things are going to be okay, and things will finally start to fall into their respective places, because damn it, I'm sick of this already. Sick of the looks, the confusion, the ignorance. *kicks the ignorant people* <.< Heh. Sorry, they piss me off. But basically, from the dream, I have a new hope things will finally be right. Of course there will be roadblocks, but that's only in the beginning.

So, I'm happy about what the future will bring. However, it will be a long time I am sure before I will even get there. Too many other things going on right now, that need my attn. Ann was supposed to send money.. but alas, she has not. Girls, I'm sorry.. but grr. Ann is your typical girl, and despite I love her,s he drives me insane.

She asks the weirdest of fucking questions to me, and I'm like 'uhhh...huh?' then gets upset I don't understand her. Whatever. She hasn't messaged me in three days. I think she's mad at me. (Most likely is..) but I don't know what to do to change it. There is nothing I can say more on the situation of her moving back in with her mother.

OH! On to her mother, right.. okay. So her mom was in a car accident, a while back. Well a few weeks back. I blogged about it, but not in much detail. Why? Because I didn't have much details, heh. Anyway, it turns out that her mom is partially paralyzed. Which means that she 'can' move, but isn't allowed to, or it will paralyze her.

Her lower vertibre was crushed and on a few of the nerves, making it too dangerous for her to move. So her mom is basically bedridden, and she bitches 24/7 because she's bored. Well naturally a woman who has spent the last 20 years working outside the house 16+hours a day, would be bored.

Whatever, give her a computer and tell her to shut up, ha!. Not really, but yes, along those lines. Ann has/had to move back home to help take care of her mother. Kash and I are figuring this means she will never be moving home here to Georgia with us. I'm sure Kash is more relieved than anything, but me.. I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Ann needs to get away from her mother, not be that much closer. The woman is a crazy bitch, and I can't stand even being in the same house, let alone same room as her. She just gives off those vibes that make you cringe. She is very *cringes and shivers* Bleh. Don't even want to write about her anymore, it's that bad.

So yeah. Aiden did eventually die, like I said he would. He was the next to die, then Nadalia died. Then all the sudden Viktorae's eyes were like.. bulging and shit. I was like, um.. I have no idea what was causing them to die. We bought the medication for them, it just wasn't working. I'm going to just have to blame the filter. It's a 2-10 gal filter, which.. just can't accommodate a full ten gal aquarium and it's fish. We need a new filter.

Totally got sidetracked by someone's blog post. Had to read and respond before I could finish this one. *CoughsMelscoughcoughsneeze* So, we noticed that Jevin was about to die.. and so we took him out, Vik out and flushed them. Hopefully tthey died quickly, rather the long painful process they were endearing with in the aquarium. I didn't want them to suffer any more than they had to.

The minnows are still alive, as well as the goldfish. We put the goldfish back in the tank, with the minnows.. after completely cleaning it, AGAIN and adding new water. The water was sooo clean and pretty.. then 24 hours later, it was cloudy as fuck again. We dont have any more waterconditioner, so I'm not sure what to do really.. I've changed the water twice now, half way each time.

They are still alive, but the water is still cloudy. MUST GET BIGGER FILTER! The bettas are alive, but barely. This is horrible, first our mice were crazy, and not used to being handled, then all the fish we bought, minus the damn gold fish, are dying/have died. And the goldfish are barely hanging in it seems. Rhett has ich, and despite the MANY ich treatments we've given, he isn't getting rid of it.

Lestat, though in the same fucking aquarium, doesn't have ich, but has fin rot, really bad. He had it when we brought him home, but it's just got worse, despite I've been keeping the water clean and making sure it's okay for him to be able to kick the shit. But, it must have been bad enough that it just isn't going away.

Fucking A. I will never buy shit from PetSmart again. This is ridiculous now. Only I will buy mice cages from them, because I like their cages, vs the others ones else where. Anyway, I don't have any pics really to put up, despite I got some of Rasui in Kash's hair the other night. It was hilarious. She was all burried in his hair. Right now, we have Shemeit and Mnoti in Rasui's cage, all chillin, visiting each other.

It's cute how they react when they first see each other, after a few days. They are like, 'omg, who the fuck are you?! Oh, it's just you, cool. What's up?' Ha. I love it.

Right, so I'mma get going now. I'll have those pics for the next blog. Just been playing Harvest Moon with Kash, and messing around on Neopets, despite they are horribly neglected right now. Good thing for NP and the Cockroach motel! Rawrs, baby!


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Can't decide..

if it's a good thing or bad. I'm not really holding back much anymore, in terms of what is on my mind. I usually let Lestat speak on those issues.. but I feel the emotions, the thoughts.. hmm. I can't explain it. So just forget that. I don't feel like speaking on it, despite I should. Problem is, most wont understand. Those that will, wont need to comment here on my blog, and those that wont, will comment, and think I'm crazy.

I don't really know why I don't like to, and or feel like talking in instant messenger anymore. Despite I open pidgen, and leave it open usually through out the day. It's kind of like being on the phone. I don't do...phones. It's too... instant. O.o I'm not needing that really in my life right now. I'm needing penpalish type people. People that I'm going to hear from 1-3 times a week (via blogs, emails, snail mail, whatever). And not just hi-bye shit either. We're talking three paragraph minimum conversations, and or confessions (in bloggings case).

Basically, I just need more, not less. And believe it or not, but talking via instant message right now, is actually less (for me). I sent a few letters out, a while ago. They have yet to get back to me. I don't understand Loves (Mel) right now.. as she hasn't written I, or Kash back..yet she was the one.. hm. Then she tried to follow me on Twitter.. I let her follow, but I am never on. I'm just confused I guess when it comes to her. Don't really understand it much. Eh. On to Ann.. so don't really know what's going on there.

She too confuses me. Not in a good way either. At least, not of late. I'm never sure where things are. I do know that I am getting really annoyed with the instant messages (texts in her case) saying repeatedly 'I love you.' 'I miss you.' 'I need you.' etc, many variations of the same three phrases. I can't be sure if its what shes saying, what she's NOT saying, the repetition, or just the instant messages itself, that is bothering me, or a mixture of all, or none. I am just confused when it comes to her. My wife.

Lost..yes, appropriate, isn't it. I'm Lost.


Friday, March 13, 2009

I should..

but I'm just not feeling it lately. I want to blog, but like I said, I just don't feel like it. Despite wanting it. Odd, I know. Eh, oh well. Pretty much, things are the same. Doing what I can, when I can. Bored most the day, since I don't talk to anyone. It's just me and Kash, not that I don't like that, because I do. That's not what I'm saying.

Just saying it is just us, and no one else. I want to get out, but eh, not sure where to go. If anywhere right now, since it is still kinda chilly and stuff. Also, it is a small town, so there might not be anywhere to go? Hmm. I like going out and taking pictures. That is fun. The mice are doing alright. Not AS scared as before, but still a bit iffy.

Asenath died. O.O We have to get a new Asenath, I'm worried about Aiden. He's heart broken (haha) and he might die next. We do NOT want that. :( Lestat and Rhett (the bettas) are doing well. Happy. For the most part, from what we can tell. They make bubble nests randomly. Odd, because they made them more with the goldfish in the tank with them, than with out. Yet they didn't like them in there?

Hmm, yes very odd indeed. Oh well. Not like anyone really reads this anymore. *shrugs* It's like, if I don't put the damn thing in their face, they don't bother looking. I'll remember that. I'll keep that in mind next time I notice one of you all blog. Oh shit, I better stop writing now, because I feel an attitude coming on. Yep. Headache is back.



Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Same ol' Same ol' really..

Okay, so not really. Yes, but no. Few things are different. One of our guppy females died.. :/ We have the big female in the fry net, because she's about to pop. Took Emile and Dhani out of the beta tank, and put them in a goldfish bowl. Lestat kept trying to kill them, where as Rhett wasn't too bothered by them. I will try and take good pics of them, it's just really hard getting good pics with the glare off the aquarium.

We separated all the mice! Put momma (Isis) our Russian Dwarf Hammie, in the big cage. Mnoti in the pyramid cage, all by herself, and Rasui and Shemeit in their own cages. The travel Critter Trails. Why did we do this you ask? Well, because we were tired of them all RUNNING from us when ever we walked by the cage, and or tried to take them out to play. They refuse to take food from us, and never eat in front of us.

They are scared of human contact! Who wants that in a pet?! Stupid petsmart. So, in an effort to make them less scared of us, and in turn, actually want us, we've separated them from their littermates, and put them each in their own cages. Rasui is usually pretty good when I take her out, UNLESS we have Mnoti out at the same time, who is a BIG scaredy pants, and then Rasui starts getting skittish too as a result. We are having to work on them one at a time, individually.

So far, it's working out pretty nicely. They don't run or hide as much when we try to take them out. They are more likely to venture out on their own too, when we open up the side of their cages. We aren't working on Mnoti as of yet, but we do take her out when we take the other two out and let them all play together for some time. We don't want them to forget each other, as they might wind up being in a cage to share again.

We were talking, and we've decided we want to breed mice. As well as our betas and guppies/minnows. We can breed the minnows for bait, but all our minnows are babies still. Wont even know what sex they are for another 4-5 months. O.O So, in the mean time, we have the guppies. We'll see if we can't get some buyers for the babies, and save that money and get a female crown tail beta, to mate with Lestat and Rhett, our veil tail betas.

We have no idea what we are going to do with Dhani and Emile, our goldfish. Ha. We need to save up for some more tanks, so we can put the goldies in one. I'd love to have a in ground pond out back some day. Maybe put the goldies in there, with the minnows, and have bunches of babies to sell, lol. Who knows. Never know what tomorrow will bring. Could win the lottery.

Anyway, the pics and video are from yesterday, when we took all the mice outside with us. We were on the trampoline out back, just chilling. We didn't have Mnoti out at first, but we eventually brought her out and connected Rasui and Shemeit's cages so they could run around, in and out. Which they all, but Mnoti, did. Rasui and Shemeit kept leaving the cages to run around, to us, and then back into the cages. Mnoti, as expected, stayed in side the cages.

(First pic is Shemeit, eating a pringle, lol. Second is Mnoti, sticking her nose out the tube. Rasui is behind her..because like I said, when Ras gets near Mnoti, she too decides to become skittish, or more skittish than usual. Didn't get a pic of Rasui, unfortunately. I'll take some today, as well as try and get some of the fish.)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Our Happy Family...

...even if it is small, it's perfect for us. Just want to express my love for the family that I have, here in Georgia. My family. Not necessarily blood family, but my little family that Kash and I have made for ourselves. Soon we hope to merge our family with Ann's little family she has there, but for the time being, it's just Kash and I, and our 'kids'. The babies.

They still run from us when ever we get to close to the cage, but I'm positive that over time, everything will be okay. Even more so, there will come a day where they come running up to us and asked to be taken out. It is very obvious they were not handled at ALL in PetSmart. From now on, I think we'll get any animals from small breeders, vs pet stores.

I had always heard relatively good things about PetSmart or Petco, vs. Mall Shoppes. However, we've discovered that through the purchase of these little babies, PetSmart isn't the way to go either, if you're looking for a pet, that is used to being handled, and likes to be handled. Animals such as this you need to do this from the time they are babies.

Other wise, like these three, they are scared of humans, scared of contact, scared of sounds, anything other than what they have grown up in, which would be a small five gallon tank, with bedding, a hide away and about 10 other mice. It's part of the reason we chose to get three, vs. one or two. The fact there was so many they were used to.

We didn't want to completely change their world, we were changing it enough by taking them out of that aqaurium life, and putting them in a multilevel mice cage, with multiple wheels, lots of things to play on and in, and a view. They are happy, just still very skittish. Hopefully though, things will be alright in the end.

Here are some pics that we've taken recently of them. Hope you all enjoy. Nimmo's doing well, btw.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow! Good riddance? And Nimmo.

For the first time in my life, I stood outside.. and experienced snow, with all five senses. It was ah-mazing. I had so much fun, I can't exclaim. 25 years old, and I only just now experienced snow first hand. Well, falling snow. I've been in snow, but after it has fell. I have found a new passion. Snow flakes! I was just in awe, seriously. How intricate they all are, and uniquely different! I know, I know, I've grown up hearing there are no two alike. But I had never experienced it myself!

So I was quite amazed. In love, I am with the falling snow. However, I don't know how well I would do with snow, that fell and stayed! I am freezing my ass off as is, and it's on average 50 degrees, high. Makes me wish it would snow like this for a week though, or more. It's truly beautiful how it falls from the sky, like a blanket.. very different from the rain I love. I'm almost wondering which ultimately I'd love more. Good thing it wont snow like this more often, or I'd possibly choose the snow. (Since it's rarer.)


Kash and I deleted our plurks last night; early this morning. We just never really felt like plurking. Too many other things we were doing. We had been really sick for a while, and plurked once a day, if that. No one really seemed to miss us. Not that it mattered, but we just got to thinking, why are we even on there anymore. We plurk, to keep people updated. But, those people, aren't really minded by what was going on with us.

Those that were, were messaging us, and or reading our blogs regularly. Aside from that, there was just too much drama -still- on plurk that we just didn't need/want to deal with. We have lots to do and sitting at the computer, isn't helping us do them, is it? Nope. Honestly, it's kind of weird..not plurking. I still find myself going 'that's plurk worthy there' but...there is no plurk. Lol. Oh well, its for the best, I'm sure.


Nimmo, what is that you might ask. Well, in this exact case, it is a tree frog. But, Nimmo, is actually a Neopet, that resembles a frog. Don't confuse those with Quiggles now, as those are a little more warty than Nimmos. :P Basically, Nimmo is like a frog, and Quiggles are like Toads. But, back to this little Nimmo. He's small, and dark green and brown, cute, and jumpy. He likes Kash a lot.

I noticed him on the back porch (that is about 15feet off the ground) just as it was starting to snow. Poor little guy was so cold! He could hardly hop, but he was trying. It was as if he was coming to us for help to get out of the at the time, near freezing temperatures. I brought him in, and got some semi-warm/cold water in a bucket, just enough for him to sit in, to warm his core temp.

It worked, because soon after he was alive and wanting to go all over the place. He mostly kept trying to jump onto Kash and in his hair. We named him Nimmo, after the Neopet, because he looks like a Nimmo. (Despite it's REALLY the other way around :P) We set up our fish tank to accomodate him. Since it's only firebolt in there (placo) and he doesn't need lots of water. The filter is one that you can just sit on the bottom of the tank and it works fine.

Its keeping the water moving to give Firebolt air, and there's lots of places for Nimmo to chillax and keep warm, and above the water. We plan on keeping him, at least until the weather warms up, if not indefinitely. The mice are doing well, I will post a pic of them or two at the end of this here blog. I hope everyone that reads this has a good day above all else, and stays in good health. Much love to you all, and I must now bid you adiu.


Word Cloud

Kash (12) Love (11) Life (9) Mice (9) Lestat (7) Mnoti (7) Rasui (7) Shemeit (7) Goldfish (6) Khai (6) Ann (5) Betta Fish (5) Frogs (5) Death (4) Dhani (4) Emile (4) Froglets (4) Grey Tree Frog (4) Nailah (4) Neopets (4) Rhett (4) Tadpoles (4) Blog (3) Boredom (3) Cat (3) Grandmother (3) Guppies (3) Jobs (3) Laugh (3) Minnows (3) Mouse (3) My Life (3) Nikhil (3) Toadlets (3) Toads (3) Wizard101 (3) Aiden (2) American Toad (2) Anniversary (2) Annoyed (2) Asenath (2) Broke (2) Bullfrog (2) Change (2) Cinaed (2) Dreams (2) Fun (2) Goodbye (2) Headache (2) Mammoth (2) Nimmo (2) Pain (2) Passed Away (2) Petsmart (2) Plurk (2) Puppy (2) Sick (2) Snails (2) Sorrow (2) Starlite (2) Talk (2) The Wife (2) Tooth (2) Tornado (2) first (2) one year (2) Acceptance (1) Allergies (1) Anamchara (1) Annoying (1) Aquarium (1) Aquarius Star (1) Ass (1) Attitude (1) Avrik (1) Babies (1) Baby (1) Bad Day (1) Bee (1) Best friend (1) Bills (1) Book (1) Brat (1) Car Accident (1) Carrot (1) Chihuahua (1) Chilly (1) Christmas (1) Computer (1) Crazy (1) Cry (1) Cursed (1) Diet (1) Dollhouse (1) Done (1) Drag (1) Drama (1) European (1) Facebook (1) Family (1) Fun Times *insert sarcasm* (1) Games (1) George (1) Gone (1) Grief (1) Harry Potter (1) Hello (1) Hiding (1) Home Alone (1) Hornet (1) Hospital (1) Isis (1) Jevin (1) Kris (1) Laptop (1) Liar (1) Lies (1) Light (1) Live (1) Loss (1) Lost (1) Lucid (1) MMORPG (1) Makeup (1) Medium (1) Messengers (1) Money (1) Mother in law (1) Moving (1) Murphey's Law (1) Nadalia (1) Need (1) Nephew (1) Never Look Back (1) New Arrival (1) Our Family (1) Paralyzed (1) Paranoia (1) Peace (1) Penpal (1) Perfect Timing (1) Petco (1) Pets (1) Pidgen (1) Pinkies (1) Playing House (1) Private (1) Psycho (1) RPG (1) Raid (1) Realization (1) Reason (1) Run Away (1) Russian Dwarf Hamster (1) Significant Other (1) Slugs (1) Small Town (1) Snow (1) Social (1) Soulmate (1) Starlite Night (1) Story (1) Stubborn (1) Stupid (1) Superiority Complex (1) Tears (1) Thoughts (1) Time (1) Twitter (1) Unfair (1) Uninvited (1) Viktorae (1) Vivid (1) Waiting (1) Wasp (1) Weird (1) Wonderful (1) World (1) Worry (1) Write (1) birthday (1) happy (1) rain (1)